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Real Talk

The Realities of Work & Life Balance

The Annual Virtual Summit for Working Moms to empower and equip them to balance work and life, for real.

In a recent Department of Labor study, women account for 46.8% of the labor force and about 40.5% are the primary or co-breadwinner for their family. And, although women have fought to have equal rights and pay, compared to their male counterparts, only 23% of private sector employees have paid family leave (Dept. of Labor, Blog). This leaves a massive gap for working women who desire to continue working (or have a need to work) but are caregivers to their external families and children and don't have the financial, emotional, and physical resources to continue providing for their families. How do we fill that gap?


It's time for Real Talk! 


Real Talk is a Virtual Summit dedicated to increasing the Advocacy, Education, and Promotion of Work-Life Balance for Christian Working Mothers who are overwhelmed with all that's on their plate and are looking for work-life balance solutions. Community leaders and experts join together to provide tools, support, and resources to create and strengthen the community of working mothers.


This year's theme, How We Work Now & in the Future, will empower working moms to let go of their traditional career structure and identify how they can create: 


  • Remote Work & Flexible Schedules

  • Cultural Shifts in Corporate America
  • Freelance & Part-Time Support 
  • An Entrepreneurial Route that supports their goals


In the past three years, working mothers have had to leave or adjust their schedule in the workforce to support their families during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020 to present). But, many have identified that those new adjustments could help them now and in the future; allowing them to show up as the working mom they presently desire to be. Can you relate? Have you had to rearrange your schedule during the pandemic and now find that you need a full-time or permanent schedule change? Or maybe you realize that the career you once fell in love with doesn't align with your primary goal of being a mother and wife (because family is your first ministry). If you have questioned how you are working now and what it will look like in the future, then this year's virtual summit is your answer. 


Have you recognized that in spite of a pandemic, work & life balance is still an issue in Corporate America? Have you struggled with having a schedule that allows you to show up as your authentic self? Have you struggled with leaving your Corporate position for a work-from-home position? Then this year's virtual summit is for you.


Have you asked yourself the following questions: 


  • Why is it so difficult to find remote work positions in my field?

  • How can I make a change in my organization to promote a diverse method of work? 

  • Is it worth going part-time, so I can still have a paycheck and benefits, and be at home for my children?



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Confident Woman

I realized that I am not alone, there are many moms balancing it all and making it work.

- Anonymous Attendee

Smiling Woman

The key takeaway for me was to have a mommy moment.

- Anonymous Attendee


The key takeaway for me was to begin practicing to declutter my was informative. 

Rebeca Cabrera
(not pictured)

Real Talk is for you, if

  • you are ready to explore new options to work & life balance

  • you are ready to adopt the right habits to embrace how you want to work

  • you want to simplify your life now and in the future

  • you are ready to listen to God and follow His direction for your career and life

  • you are ready to become the Proverbs 31 woman, wife, and mother you've desired

  • you are ready to adopt the mindset of having stronger faith in yourself and God

  • you are ready to be around a community of working moms who are willing to make sacrifices to experience the life God desires for them

  • you are ready to go to your next level

Not only will you hear the personal stories of what some working moms went through to take control of how and when they work, but you will be empowered to:

  1. Identify the consistent difficulty of work and flexible schedules 

  2. Identify the cultural shifts needed to change corporate requirements of being face-to-face

  3. Identify the freelance and part-time options available at your current job

  4. Identify how to pursue entrepreneurial ventures 

  5. Gain the mindset shift needed to pursue a non-traditional career structure

  6. Gain the resources to find new career paths


Hi, I'm Latika and I've been where you are...

As a working mom, I have juggled managing my home, family, and career. There have been plenty of times when I've had to bring a child or two (I have 4 daughters) to the office or on a Microsoft Teams meeting. I've questioned if I'm in the right career field, and often wondered what life would be like if I went a different career path altogether! But, what I realized is that no matter what I did, my schedule and career was not going to be in a traditional structure, and that I would need to have more control of my schedule so that I could be the best mom and wife to my family, and be a well-rested and emotionally stable career driven professional. 


Through my research and discussions with other working moms, I realized that we aren't alone. In fact, about 50% of the moms I talked to, desire to have a schedule that gives them the flexibility to do both - have a career and be a mom! 


At this year's Virtual Summit, I've asked a few friends to join me in a discussion to help you decide what you need to create the work & life balance necessary, while also having a satisfying non-traditional career structure. My goal is that when you leave this year's virtual summit, you gain the confidence to take control over your right now and future career plans and goals. I hope that you gain the inspiration to let go of the mom guilt and finally be passionate about being a mom and a career-driven professional woman again. 


You can have both a rewarding career and a great family that you spend time with. And, the way to do that is by taking control over your schedule by having a non-traditional career structure.  

By attending Real Talk, you will gain access to:

  1. Work & Life Balance Workbook 

  2. Purchase books, apparel, and services from speakers 

  3. Giveaways for Personal and Professional Development 

  4. Digital Swag Bag 

Real Talk is and will continue to be the Life-Changing event you need!

We all will experience seasons of a traditional career structure. But, seasons don't last always. Today is the start of the season where you take control of how and when you work, so you can finally have the work & life balance you desire now and in the future! 

Meet the 2023 Virtual Summit Panelists


Brittany Elliott

Self-Care Coach

Brittany Elliott is a wife, mother, and entrepreneur. Learn more about her HERE.


​Nikia Pratt

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Nikia Pratt is a wife, mother of five children, and entrepreneur. Learn more about her HERE.

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Lynnecia Eley

The Confidence Doula

Lynnecia S. Eley is a career-driven entrepreneur, wife, and mother. Learn more about her HERE.



The Realities of Work & Life Balance

The 4th Annual Virtual Summit for Working Moms

Gain the Connection, Community, and Support you need to Upgrade your Career Structure to When & How You Want to Work

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