
Enhance the Vision
Have you been stuck with where to go next in your career or business?
Are you ready to allow God to be the head of your career or business decisions?
Are you ready to gain clarity on how you will proceed in your career or business?
Enhance the Vision is a 12-Week Group Coaching Program for women who are ready to live a life of fulfillment pursuing a career or business aligning to their purpose, by first setting and achieving tangible goals that are easy to stick to!
In 12 weeks, you will overcome the insecurity and self-doubt of achieving
your career or business; be equipped to grow; and begin to perform meaningful work. You will gain the Support, Network, and Accountability to be in Alignment with God's purpose for your life.
You are in the Right Place if...
• You ever felt lost about where to go next in your career or business
• You have reached a pivotal point in your life and don't know what is going
to give you the satisfaction you need
• You are not happy with where your career or business is going
• You are not satisfied in your career or business
Check out the video to learn more.
What Clients Have Said...
"Latika has a knack for knowing when to invoke various skills that allowed me to tailor my personal aspirations and bring out a clarity of purpose and desire that is sometimes hard to pinpoint on your own. She provided me with resources and guidance." - Lynnecia
"Latika made me feel that she believes in me." - Toya
“When identifying a phrase to describe my experience with Latika, my mind settles with she's "a wake up call". She is part thought provoker, part strategist, and best of all part cheerleader." - Lynnecia
Here is the Program Breakdown:
Module 1: Getting Clear
Get clear on your vision by conducting a SWOT Analysis on yourself,
then create your Career/Business Strategic Vision. The Career/Business Strategic Vision is a statement which declares what you want in your career. This will be your driving force for developing an action plan.
Module 2: Being SMART
Being SMART, you will assess your Career/Business Strategic Vision ensuring it meets the criteria of it being a SMART Goal and ensuring it aligns
to your purpose
Module 3: Action Planning & Being Purposefully Focused
You will develop a 30-60-90 day action plan to guide your activities
for the next three-months. You will use this format in three-month
increments until you have enhanced your vision by actually doing it.
Module 4: Taking Care of Business
You will learn strategies to be focused and enhance your Vision.
Here's What You Get when you Enroll in Enhance the Vision:
• Enhance the Vision Accountability Planner
• 40-Days of Prayer for My Business
• 6 Virtual Coaching Sessions
But, most importantly, the Accountability to achieve your Vision, the Support to Enhance it, and the Network to Sustain it!